
4 Crucial Components of Every Successful Remarketing Campaign

Remarketing incorporates results-oriented measures to boost the amount of qualified leads and resulting sales. Utilizing tactics that increase traffic, gather qualified leads and encourage conversion over time increases sales in both business-to-business and business-to-consumer markets. These four remarketing strategies address the opportunities of each lead to incur continuous, positive changes in sales.



Each of your leads will experience the journey from prospect to customer in a unique way. One way to ensure that you are meeting your leads’ needs at each specific point in this journey is placing them into the most appropriate segment. Instead of grouping leads into a couple of broad stages, it is necessary to instead create distinct funnels for various aspects of your company’s process. This increased segmentation allows for unique and individualized creative to be shown to the lead. Creating specific segments will not only help sales teams better understand how to direct their efforts, but will streamline the transition from one stage to the next as it gives them a more strategic understanding and insight into exactly what was looked while on the platform.


A/B Testing

A/B testing is key to discovering what is the most results-oriented way to appeal to your target market. First, determine the desired outcome for the specific item you are testing. For example, if you are trying to gather more information about your leads then you need to discover which call to action will produce the most form completions. Once you have decided which action is required then two differing ideas will be created so they can be tested to reveal effectiveness. A/B testing can be utilized for copy, images, colors and other advertising collateral to ensure that each incorporated features will have a high likelihood of boosting lead generation success.


Landing PageLanding Pages

Taking a lead-centered approach will aid companies in their efforts of pushing leads towards conversion. Tailoring landing pages to meet the specific needs of your leads will better address their concerns and provide them with the resources they seek. This tactic is effective because the targeted leads have already been to your site, but not yet converted. In addition, an advertisement was able to grab their attention in a way that brought them back to your site. These people are now prime lead generation targets, deeming it necessary to show them a page that provides them with in-depth information that will push them even closer to becoming a converting customer Creating individual landing pages that tie into specific remarketing efforts will allow companies to tailor to the specific needs and objections of the remarketing user and therefore boost sales.



Knowledge is power when it comes to strategic conversion tracking. An important feature of remarketing is discovering whether or not your efforts are effective. Advanced tracking will measure your campaign efforts as well as the reveal the difference in conversion rates between different advertising collateral, advertising messaging and target landing pages. Knowing what messaging and which pages are converting at the highest rate will allow your business to make more educated decisions on what is and is not working throughout the campaign. Without adequate conversion tracking for form submissions, phone calls and other relevant aspects, you will never know which segments of your campaign are performing at their best.


When remarketing is strategically incorporated businesses can experience up to a 55% increase in sales that result from customers who are returning to the sites. Remarketing tactics not only allow companies to better understand their efforts, but how to most appropriately meet the needs of their leads and increase the amount of qualified leads that convert to customers.

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