
The Power of Brand Reputation

What your current and potential customers think and say about your brand is key to determining not only your perceived reputation, but how you need to adjust your strategy given it does not match your internal brand appreciation. You may already have a positive brand reputation that aligns with your corporate objectives, but oftentimes there is misalignment between what you think your company stands for versus what your customers perceive. In order to maintain or improve your brand reputation we have come up with a few tips to help enhance the chatter about your brand.


Up Your Game

A great initial step in brand management is getting involved in online and social mediums. Whether it is an informative website, blog or social media account; you will see an improvement in brand engagement by simply interacting with your current and potential customers. In order to notice drastic results though, you will need to do much more than simply post on your Twitter or Facebook account. Incorporating items such as strong informational content and honest customer reviews will further help your customers understand and trust your company.

Do Some Searching


Do Some Searching

Sometimes an aspect of a brand’s reputation will go unnoticed by the company. In order to prevent lack of awareness, it is essential to do some online searching. A great way to begin this process is utilizing search engines like Google to see what appears when your company is searched. You can look into review sites and news sources to see what is the most-discussed aspect of your company. Then, you can delve into blog posts and social media to see when and how your company is being mentioned on these platforms. If you want to take it a step further, you can even search relevant keywords to discover whether or not your company appears. Awareness of how past and current customers are talking about your brand across the web is key knowing what to do to fix or maintain your reputation.

Contineu to Stay Up-to-Date


Maintain Your Efforts

Once you have established a strong foundation of what exactly is being said about your company, you must continue to stay up-to-date on any new developments. This is essential not only to determine whether negative things are being said, but also to ensure that positive corporate news such as new clients, awards or overall growth are being shared online. While negative comments and reviews require some interaction to mediate the issue and set your reputation straight, communicating with customers who provide positive feedback can also enhance your reputation of customer service and ultimately improve your lead generation results.

Continue to Grow


Continue to Grow

Even if your company is fortunate enough to have a strong online presence with mostly positive comments, you can still do more. Over time, there will be new competitors and new opportunities that will need to be addressed. In order to stay at the top of your game, you should continue to focus on developing relevant content, asking customers for reviews and testimonials and updating local listings. All of these efforts will enhance your reputation in such a way that your lead generation outcomes can continue to thrive.


Both online and in-person sales depend highly upon a brand’s reputation. The effort a company spends monitoring and enhancing online standings significantly impact lead volume. If you can maintain your company’s positive reputation on and offline, you will undoubtedly find higher conversion rates amongst inbound leads, not to mention referrals from your current client base.

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